What’s the Best Time to Spray for Ticks and Mosquitoes on Your Lawn?

It’s critical to maintain our outdoor spaces. Not only for aesthetics but because the reality of the situation is that most homeowners enjoy spending time outdoors in their yards. However, unwelcome creatures like ticks and mosquitoes can quickly turn any leisurely outdoor time into a source of irritation or worse, a source of disease. 

To ensure that these pesky visitors are under control, we need to learn the best times and methods to spray our lawns to keep them at bay. Let’s dig deeper into understanding the lifecycles of ticks and mosquitoes and determine when’s the best time to spray.

Understanding the Lifecycles of Ticks and Mosquitoes

If we want to effectively control these pests, we first need to understand how they live and grow. Both ticks and mosquitoes have interesting lifecycles. 

Tick Lifecycle

  1. Eggs: Ticks begin as eggs. Female ticks lay these eggs in the spring, and then they die.
  2. Larvae: From these eggs emerge what are called larvae. These little creatures are very active during summer and they are looking for their first blood meal. This is usually when we start to notice a problem in our yards.
  3. Nymphs: After feeding, the larvae change into nymphs. Nymphs are quite dormant and we typically don’t see much of them during winter. But they become active again in the spring.
  4. Adults: Eventually, after another feeding and a molting phase, these nymphs turn into adult ticks. This is their final form before the cycle starts all over again.

Mosquito Lifecycle

  1. Eggs: Mosquitoes start out as eggs as well, but unlike ticks, mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water.
  2. Larvae: Just like ticks, mosquito eggs hatch into larvae, which live and eat in the standing water they were laid in.
  3. Pupae: As they grow, the larvae enter the pupal stage and become pupae. During this stage, they spend most of their time at the water’s surface.
  4. Adults: Finally, when they are ready, mature mosquitoes emerge from the pupal stage, now ready to fly around and feed off blood.

Best Time to Spray for Ticks

So, when should we spray for ticks? Well, the best time actually has much to do with their lifecycle. Ticks are most active as larvae and nymphs in the early spring and summer, which we can target with our first round of sprays. But according to professional tick mosquito spraying services, it’s also crucial that we do a spray in the fall to control the adult ticks. 

So, ideally, a good spraying schedule would cover spring, summer, and fall. This advice has proven useful for mosquito spraying in Derry, NH and should be applicable to other areas as well.

Best Time to Spray for Mosquitoes

Unlike ticks, mosquitoes are warm-weather creatures. They usually start breeding in the spring when temperatures start to climb and continue up through the fall. They lay their eggs in standing water, which is why after heavy rains, we often see a surge in the mosquito population. Because of this, the best time to start spraying for mosquitoes is early in the spring, just as standing water becomes more common. 

After the initial treatment, regular monthly spraying throughout the summer can help maintain a mosquito-free yard.

The Importance of Regular Spraying

One common mistake that most people make is thinking that one round of spraying is enough. This is simply not the case. Ticks and mosquitoes are fast breeders, and without consistent measures to control them, they can quickly bounce back. Hence, frequent spraying throughout their breeding season is a must to truly rid our yards of these pests. 

Each yard’s needs will vary based on the local climate and how bad the infestation is, but generally, pest professionals suggest doing treatments every three to four weeks during their active seasons.

Pros and Cons of DIY Spraying

There’s always the option to conduct the spraying yourself. While it might seem like an attractive option, let’s consider the following pros and cons. 


  • Cost-effective: If you do the spraying yourself, you save on the cost of hiring professional services.
  • Convenience: When you’re spraying your lawn yourself, you can do so at a time that’s convenient to you.


  • Inefficiency: If you don’t have a professional’s knowledge and experience, you may miss important breeding spots. This will make your spraying efforts significantly less effective.
  • Risk of exposure: Pesticides can be harmful. When you do the spraying yourself, you are more exposed to these chemicals than if you leave the job up to a professional.

Benefits of Professional Services

On the other hand, getting a professional service like that which provides Groundhog lawn care, to do the spraying comes with the following benefits:

  • Expertise: Professional sprayers are well-trained in what they do. They can easily identify where ticks and mosquitoes breed and know how best to treat these areas. This increases the chance of successfully eliminating these pests from your yard.
  • Convenience: Hiring professionals means you don’t have to do the hard work. You can save time and effort that you can better spend on other things.

Preventing Tick and Mosquito Infestations

Apart from spraying, carrying out some preventive measures can go a long way in controlling tick and mosquito populations.

  • Regular maintenance: Regularly mowing your lawn and trimming your bushes can lessen the habitable space for ticks and mosquitoes, thereby reducing their numbers.
  • Eliminate standing water: Checking your property for standing water and removing it regularly can stop mosquitoes from breeding right under your nose.

To End

In conclusion, effective pest control is not a one-time thing; it requires regular and preventative measures. Familiarity with the pests’ life cycles can help you determine the best timing for spraying. It doesn’t hurt to add professional services into your lawn care routine. After all, more than anyone, they have the knowledge and skills to effectively keep these pests under control.

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