Lovebirds as Your Pets

If you love the bold personality that an Amazon parrot has, but are not sure if you can cope with a larger bird, consider adopting a pet lovebird. If you are willing and able to teach them how to care and can take a few tips to remind you who’s really in control, lovebirds are fascinating, although challenging pets.

Lovebirds are good pets
Lovebirds are different from other birds and it’s essential to learn about their personalities before you decide if they are right for you.

General Lovebird temperament and personality
Lovebirds can be wonderful pets. They are less aggressive than parakeets or cockatiels, and they are often more playful. They are full-fledged personalities and can be affectionate to their family. They can be quite stubborn, so it is better to have experience keeping birds.

How to Keep a Lovebird Alive
Lovebirds are not easy to handle. Start with a fully weaned baby bird. Talk to it and stroke its feathers. While tame birds love to be held and admired, if they’re not paid attention to, they may become disinterested in you or refuse to take care of you.

Lovebird Singles & Pairs
It is believed that lovebirds should live in pairs because of the close bonding between them. But a single lovebird could live happily by itself if it had the chance to bond and be loved.

It is a good rule of thumb to keep two lovebirds close together. However, they may not be as friendly with their human companions. It is best to keep one lovebird as your pet if you want them to bond with each other. If you don’t feel that you need to care for your lovebird, it might be worth keeping them both together.

Lovebirds are susceptible to aggression
Lovebirds are often aggressive and shouldn’t be kept in the same cage as other species. They can also attack new lovebirds that are brought into their cage, so it is best to let them get to know each other in side-by-side cages before attempting to keep them together.

Males with lovebirds are usually better pets
Although there are exceptions, males tend to stay calmer than females. Females are often more aggressive than other species and become nippier with sexual maturity.

Lovebird Physical Characteristics
There are nine varieties of lovebirds. Commonly, lovebirds can be found as pets in the form of the Fischer and masked lovebirds. Each of these birds is between 5-6 1/2 inches and 6 1/2 inches long. Due to their stocky frame and short, rounded tail feathers, they are different from parakeets.

Housing a Lovebird
Every lovebird needs a safe, spacious home. These guidelines will help to give you an idea of the requirements for your new pet.

Lovebird Cages
Rectangular enclosures are the best for lovebirds because they provide enough space to fly around as they would if it was free in the wild. A cage with dimensions of 30″ L, 18″ W, and 18″ H would be a suitable minimum size for one to two lovebirds. However, you can choose a larger cage so long as the spacing between bars does not exceed five-eighths.

Lovebirds need to sleep for between 10 and 12 hours each night. If you want to protect your cage from the light, cover it at night.

The perfect size range for lovebirds’ perches is between three-fourths-one and one-half inches. It is best if you have multiple hardwood perches.

Lovebird Grooming
The grooming needs for a lovebird are very simple.

Regular Trimming of the Routine
Lovebirds are fond of taking a bath. They will take a dip right after you have given them water. If you want to save your pet’s precious drinking water, you may give them a separate tub to bathe in. If the cage has a cement perch, you may need your avian specialist to trim your pet’s beak and toes.

Trimming of Wings
The practice of wing trimming is not a popular one, but it can reduce the risk of your pet fleeing if you let him out of his cage. There is a delicate balance between trimming flight feathers enough to not hinder full flight and trimming too much to cause your pet’s injury. You should let your vet trim your pet’s flight feathers, so they are done correctly.

Health Care
Your pet is likely to be healthy and happy. However, routine veterinary visits can help you keep your pet on the right path.

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